July 01, 2021

New Look, Same GERF

The Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund (GERF) is a not for profit charity run by volunteers. GERF received national attention following the success of the 2020 bushfire appeal. This resulted in GERF receiving funding from state government, through Bushfire Recovery Victoria, to upgrade the organisation’s technology platform, and communications to allow GERF to better serve the Gippsland community through future natural disaster events.

All donations received by GERF are distributed back into the Gippsland community to support eligible Gippslanders who have experienced loss or damage as a result of natural disaster.

We are pleased to present our new visual identity; stay tuned for the launch of our new website in the coming weeks.

If you’d like to donate to the GERF, head to — www.gerf.org.au/donate


Some of our…

Good news from GERF.

Victorian Teachers’ Games...

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Budgeree Hall Generator...

Another great example of the work...

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Locals Supporting Locals

Ongoing Support M&M Security Doors Swan...

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